Wednesday, March 9, 2011


g a dad, what does it mean to you? Or any other guy that has a child. What separates the guys that have a child and the ones that don’t. Well here it is.

Us men don’t know what it feels like to carry a child, we can’t bond or feel the child quite like the women can. But as soon as that child comes out, you see your kid then your heart starts pounding. Mine did. I cried, I’m not ashamed of it. My son was born. Forever being attached to a live that I helped create. I hate his mother, but I love my son.

Someone once told me that, to be a father of a child is a gift. Taking care of and being responsible for another life. Us dad’s have to make sure we take care of our kids, teach them what we learned. And protect them to our fullest ability. In a way we are chosen to be a dad. If you think about it, not a lot of girls can get pregnant, or don’t want to be.

I know this all may sound stupid but, why not realize that having a kid is great. From a newborn barely being able to open an eye, to a high school teenager that’s pissed because you won’t let them go out. We all try to do our best, when it comes to taking care of our family, protecting, serving, providing. Only a few of us do it right, then there are the fucking asswholes that beat their kids. Kill them, starve them, or molest them. Why? How does a father or mother think of something so horrible.

Reading this do you think you could possibly do something like that to your kid? No, I really hope not. I love my kid, I would do anything for him. I hope more dad’s realize how lucky we all are. We are a superman to our children. A provider and protector.

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